AAI held its final education course of the 2016 fiscal year at the Ziegler CAT facility in Altoona. AAI members and other ag professionals attended the two day Grain Grading course. These workshops were under the direction of Federal Grain Inspection Service inspectors from the National Grain Center. Participants spent time learning how to recognize major grain damage, official U.S. grain grades, and how to obtain a representative sample.
“As a member of AAI, you are joining a valuable network of industry peers that work together on regulations and other important industry related items. At times this work leads to the need for new education and refresher courses.” states Reilly Vaughan, AAI membership director. Each year AAI facilitates multiple educational seminars for Iowa and our members. This year learning included: FSMA Regional Seminar, Nurse Tank Testing, Certified Crop Adviser Summer Workshop, and Grain Grading.
“Your association is dedicated to providing needed courses in order to make the full circle of government and industry connect. The right courses taught by the experts when the membership asks is a big part of staying viable. We are here working together for each other,” Vaughan comments. We encourage our members to contact us if they see a need for educational resources in Iowa. We strive to educate our members on industry knowledge, and are committed to bringing the experts to you.

Meagan Cox, Farmers Cooperative Company of Afton, IA and Ryan Wheelock, Landus Cooperative of Ames, IA participate in the grain grading.