Association Accomplishments

Agribusiness Association of Iowa

FY 2014 Highlights

Nutrient Management Issues of Success

  • Appointed a 12 member Nutrient Management Task Force to prioritize nutrient issues of importance to AAI members and establish a long term strategy
  • Hired Dean Lemke, Director of Nutrient Management and Environmental Stewardship; to lead the strategy
  • Developed and began implantation of a Nutrient Management Initiative
  • Developed the Iowa Nutrient Research and Education Council, an affiliate of AAI, to work with Retail members and CCA’s to measure actual results achieved in Nitrogen and Phosphorous load reductions

Iowa Legislative Successes, 2014 Session

  • Succeeded in obtaining $12.5 Million appropriation to the IDALS for Water Quality Initiatives
  • Supported the ISU College of Agriculture in obtaining increased annual funding of $1.775 Million for the Ag Experiment Station
  • Actively engaged legislative discussion regarding unmanned aerial vehicles and their future role in ag production issues
  • Supported the Iowa Corn Growers regarding legislation for future expansion of the corn check-off, participated in the rule development
  • Worked with legislators and the IDNR regarding modifications of the Commercial Nutrient Applicators training/certification
  • Raised in excess of $40,000 for the AAI PAC and approved contributions to Iowa Legislators who support AAI’s efforts of $39,500
  • Hosted reception for Iowa Legislators at the Capitol with over 70 attendees

Regulatory Activities

  • Grain subcommittee met with IOSHA regarding “sweep augers” to improve communication and education of safety
  • Hosted demonstration at Showcase regarding grain engulfment and safety education activities
  • Finalized Air Quality Rules with IDNR affecting Grain & Feed Mills
  • Hosted Technical Committee meetings and sponsored commodity meeting regarding EPA’s Waters of the US rule (WOTUS
  • Rolled out a two tier campaign to oppose the WOTUS rule
  • Agronomy and Transportation committee continue to communicate with IDOT and FMCSA to clarify rules for Anhydrous Nurse Tanks

AAI Policy Committee Efforts

  • Held a forum for seed companies regarding the marketing of BioTech traits prior to their approval and the potential negative impacts on the grain industry
  • Grain subcommittee defined opportunities to work closer with ISU regarding grain and feed mill management and safety issues
  • Continued to support TFI and ARA in their development of the “Responsible Ag” program and the accompanying Code of Ethics
  • Hosted the livestock and poultry commodity groups and discussed future roles working together regarding nutrient management strategies

Education Efforts

  • Sponsored two days of Grain Grading workshops with a “sell out” audience
  • Started the first ever Agribusiness Career Day event at showcase, and hosted over 200 Iowa Community College students to connect with AAI Members as potential employers

Agribusiness Report

  • Expanded the Report from WHO TV to include KCRG TV, so report now covers 70 Iowa counties and over 700,000 households
  • Increased income from advertising and involved additional member stories in the report which is aired twice per day