NOTE: We are not currently accepting ads.
Advertisement Sizes & Rates:
- Download PDF - Download 2021 Advertising Contract - email completed form to [email protected]
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Advertising in the Directory
If agribusiness is your audience, AAI's Annual Membership Directory is your vehicle! These are the companies and businesses with a need for your products and services on a regular basis. The Membership Directory provides your business with daily exposure for an entire year to your target market. The directory is distributed throughout our membership of over 1,100 business owners and industry professionals - companies handling grain, feed, seed processing, crop advising, aerial application, and industry supplies across Iowa and throughout the Midwest. What your business receives for your 2021 advertisement:
- A complimentary directory mailed to your office
- Yearly Recognition by over 1,100 AAI members and employees
- Listing in the printed Buyer’s Guide by service category
- A linked digital Buyer’s Guide listing on the AAI home page
( by name and service category - Inclusion in the Advertiser’s Index by company name
Directory Contacts:
Membership Questions:
Ad Submission & Sales:
Ad Sales, [email protected]
The Membership Directory is an “agribusiness encyclopedia” of information distributed to our membership each spring. Members frequently tell us they use it almost every day because it is filled with the kind of reference material they need to effectively operate their businesses. Our convenient listings make it easy to use and a quick reference for industry contacts, government information, and fellow members.
If you have questions please contact CornerPost Marketing:
Return all contracts to:
[email protected]
Agribusiness Association of Iowa
Attention: Marketing Director
900 Des Moines Street
Des Moines, IA 50309