Pictured above: Founding member accepting plaques at the 2018 annual member meeting in Des Moines, IA.
Sign on as a member of the Iowa Agribusiness Environmental Partnership today!
Who Are Our Current Members?
What do you need to know about the IAEP?
- It's free - becoming an IAEP Partner is a new member benefit, and only AAI members can join.
- You already support it - AAI launched the partnership to advance environmental progress and more clearly identify the important environmental principles in agronomic management – the same principles ag professionals use to help producers make informed decisions about how they manage their crops.
- Online signup is short and simple. Find that form at - https://www.agribiz.org/IAEP_signup
Agribusiness Association of Iowa members can sign on to the IAEP under one of two membership classes:
- Advising Members – Companies providing retail agronomy products or crop adviser services directly to farmer customers. An Advising Member works directly with farmers to implement the nutrient reduction strategy and agronomic advice principles of the Partnership.
- Supporting Members – Companies providing technologies and products for agriculture. Supporting Members typically do not provide retail agronomy products or crop adviser services directly to farmer customers. This category would include seed products, crop protection products, machinery products, insurance services, banking services, or other related agribusiness support.
Build sustainable environmental stewardship by leveraging science and technologies upon existing and future plans, programs, processes, and procedures.
As ag retailers and service providers to Iowa’s agricultural producers we will –
• Support our crop advisors and our farmer customers in promoting the awareness, education, and implementation of best management practices for nutrient stewardship.
• Support Iowa’s Nutrient Reduction Strategy and the Iowa State University Nutrient Science Assessment recommendations for nutrient management and soil and water conservation practices.
• Incorporate the following guiding principles in our business relationships with Iowa’s agricultural producers. Each principle is dependent upon achieving the end goals established in Iowa’s Nutrient Reduction Strategy.
• Consider agronomic, economic, environmental and social dimensions of nutrient management recommendations such as those illustrated in the national nutrient stewardship 4Rs program (right rate, right time, right product, and right placement).
As stewards of our soils, land, water we will –
• Incorporate science-based recommendations such as those from the Iowa State University Nutrient Science Assessment of the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy in our recommendations to our customers.
• Recommend waiting until maximum daily soil temperatures at the 4-inch level fall to 50 degrees and trending lower before nitrogen materials are applied in the fall season.
• Recommend utilization of nitrogen stabilization products and technologies when applying nitrogen.
• Recommend managing nitrogen as a system, taking into account the nitrogen cycle; agronomic, economic and environmental factors; and available technologies.
• Recommend soil testing, at a minimum every 4 years, for analysis of phosphorus, potassium and pH levels to assist in developing sound recommendations.
• Encourage application of phosphorus when the ground is not snow-covered and frozen unless wet soils and soil compaction concerns dictate otherwise.
• Provide and convey to our farmer customers information on the 4R principles and the importance of following these guidelines of the Iowa Agribusiness Environmental Partnership to minimize environmental impact, optimize harvest yield and economic returns, and maximize agricultural input utilization.
We support the use of –
• Certified crop advisors as preferred advisory resources to agricultural producers.
• Continuing education requirements for certification of our crop advisors.
• Iowa’s agricultural organizations, associations, researchers and educators in supporting and assisting the adoption of nutrient reduction practices by Iowa’s agricultural producers.
• Local on-farm nutrient practice trials and comparisons to strengthen, enhance and assure continual improvements to our nutrient stewardship practices and recommendations.
Advising Members
2017 - Founders
Adair Feed & Grain Co.
Ag Partners, LLC
Agriland FS, Inc.
AgVantage FS a division of GROWMARK, Inc.
Archer Coop Grain
Asmus Farm Supply, Inc.
Aurora Elevator, Inc.
Cogdill Farm Supply, Inc.
Cooperative Farmers Elevator (CFE)
Crop Production Services
Dave's Feed Store, Inc
Dow AgroSciences LLC
East Central Iowa Cooperative
Eldon C. Stutsman, Inc.
Farmers Feed & Grain Co.
Farmers Mill, Inc.
First Cooperative Association
Heartland Co-op
Land O'Lakes
Maximum Ag Service
Midwestern BioAg
North Iowa Cooperative
Pro Cooperative
River Valley Cooperative
Smith Fertilizer & Grain Co.
Two Rivers Cooperative
Advising Members
(as of Jan 1, 2018)
Agrineed, Inc.
Aspinwall Cooperative Co.
BB&P Feed & Grain, Inc.
Bunkers Feed & Supply Inc.
Farm Service Cooperative
Five Star Cooperative
FJ Krob & Company
Gold-Eagle Cooperative
Landus Cooperative
LeMars Agri Center, Inc.
MaxYield Cooperative
North Central Cooperative
O'Grady Chemical Corp.
Quality Ag Service of Iowa, Inc.
StateLine Cooperative
Troy Elevator, Inc.
United Cooperative
Supporting Members
2017 - Founders
Agri Drain Corporation
AgSource Laboratories
Davis Equipment Corporation
Force Unlimited, LLC
Francis & Associates
Frontier Labs, Inc.
Hedlin Ag Enterprises
Iowa Land Improvement Contractors of America
Iowa Nutrient Research and Education Council
Lee Agency Inc.
Midwest Laboratories
Northern Ag Suppliers
Rechkemmer Ag Enterprises, Inc.
Rolfes @ Boone
SoilView, LLC
The Mosaic Company
United Services Association, Inc.
Van Diest Supply Company
West Central Distribution, LLC
Supporting Members
(as of Jan 1, 2018)
Agra Liners LLC
Agronomic Solutions, Inc.
AgSync, Inc.
Asmark Institute, Inc.
Continental Western Group
CVR Partners - East Dubuque Nitrogen Fertilizers
DFS, Inc.
Dultmeier Sales
Farrell Growth Group, LLC
Foundation Analytical Laboratory
Holmes Murphy
JR Simplot
Maquoketa Feeds (Mitchell-Maskrey, Inc.)
Valley Ag, Inc.