Whirlwind Tour of Iowa Helps Neighboring State with Nutrient Management Practice Development

The Illinois Farm Bureau (IFB) hosted an Iowa Nutrient Issues Tour to August 8-10. The tour included visiting demonstration farms, where traditional and non-traditional best management practices for reducing nutrient loss are being researched. Learning about unique partnerships that have pulled in additional funding for farmers.

Participants toured demonstration farms, review the Tama Water Quality Initiative Watershed Project, and visit the Cedar Rapids Water utility to learn more about their treatment process. The tour included a dozen Illinois farmers, six IFB staff members, Jeff Kirwan, IFB Board of Director and Nutrient Research and Education Council (NREC) representative, and Larry Miller, IFB Board of Director and Illinois Council on Best Management Practices representative.

Iowa Nutrient Tour

Agribusiness Association of Iowa Environmental Technology Director and Iowa Nutrient Research & Education Council representative, Shawn Richmond, attended both days of the tour. Speaking to the group about several topics including the nutrient reduction strategy in Iowa.

Shawn_Iowa Farm Tour

Shawn Richmond, AAI Environmental Technology Director, spoke to the group on CREP wetlands and permitting requirements, the Iowa Nutrient Research & Education Council (INREC) and the nutrient reduction strategy in Iowa.